
SchoolOf|Initiating #CycSatellites 「再生衛星站」項目啟動

1. CycSatelittes|再生衛星站

The 10 episodes of course introduction of SchoolOf|Sustainable Design Practice have fully uploaded as of today. During these period of time, while we were in production of our class subjects, we have also started the test drive with our partners from supply chain, corporation, manufactures and social enterprises. We've gotten the full supports such as Savvy Exchanger to donate second hand garments for design demos at Home Sweet Home, and the Support of the Home Sweet Home teams and Gerie to test the possibility of making within different production setups.

While we collaborate with the industry to establish #CycSatellites as an industrial solution of up cycling projects. We organize up cycling workshops to educate consumers, some on going workshops had also engaged more Chinese Audience on this subject and get involved in upcycling design. The goals of up cycling isn't just a solution of second hand up grading, but the mindset transformation is indeed needed. Unlike the other sustainability activists, our focus is to offer solution to contain the total quantity of products yet maintain the availability of new products. Where the products are, where the jobs are, we believe that the worst time of fashion can also bring the best time of creativities! 

Here are some answers to the popular questions. 

Why do you call it #CycSatellites?

Because we want to bring more jobs to designers and labor workers.

What does sustainability means to you?

To contain the increasing of New Products which created from linear based fashion  process.

Do you think that Fast Fashion to Slow fashion is the only solution?

In Chinese philosophy, whichever exist have a reason to exist. So wherever demands are, whichever products available. My questions is Who is one that demand more? consumers or companies? or both?

Do you think that we should stop consumerism?

Not necessarily, the good consumerism encourages better creativities.

截止到今天,SchoolOf | Sustainalabe設計實踐課程簡介的10集已全部上傳。在這段時間裡,當我們製作班級主題時,我們還與來自供應鏈,公司,製造商和社會企業的合作夥伴開始了試駕。我們已經獲得了諸如Savvy Exchanger的全力支持,為Home Sweet Home的設計演示捐贈了二手服裝,以及Home Sweet Home團隊和Gerie的支持,以測試在不同生產設置中進行製作的可能性。











2.Workshops and Panelist|工作坊和論壇

We believe that #ActNow is better way to speed up the project.  So we started the test drive as well as put more efforts of promoting the concept.our recent actives are listed at below.



3.201910.22 French Founder Panelist

Thank you for the invitation from Caroline of FrenchFounders, had great time to join the Tuesday evening intense panel discussion on Fashion & Sustainability. "Sustainability is more than just a trend or a part of our strategic plan, it's a question of survival for fashion players" with Brice Berrard, Thibaut de LAITRE, Marjorie Hobin, and Amelie Mongrain.

感謝來自FrenchFounders和Caroline的邀請,有幸參加了有關時尚與可持續性的星期二晚上論壇。 和Brice Berrard,Thibaut de LAITRE,Marjorie Hobin和Amelie Mongrain一起聊:“可持續發展不僅是趨勢,還是我們戰略計劃的一部分,這是時尚企業生存的問題。”

4.2019.11.04 Panel @Future Country Living Festival|未來鄉村生活節

For the first time, we fully explained the concept and benefits of #CycSatellites to public audience at the Forum of Future Country Festival. Topic:Global Up Cycle Design Satellites for Sub-urban Landscape Transformation.


5.2019.11.30 Sponsor of Red Ribbon Gala for World AIDS day Charity Event|世界愛滋日紅絲帶慈善晚會贊助商


SchoolOf|思故 sustainable design course is a 10-episode online class that not only enables the students to cultivate sustainable design mindsets with stylish design concepts, but also offers up-to-date production,  marketing, management and branding strategies to fashion entrepreneurs. 

It is an executive-level design and business certificate class, and one of the few available that is dedicated to bridging the knowledge gaps in daily sustainable design practice.

SchoolOf |思故居可持续设计课程是一个10集在线课程,不仅使学生能够培养具有时尚设计理念的可持续设计思维方式,而且还为时尚企业家提供最新的生产,营销,管理和品牌战略。


For more details|詳細內容請閱讀以下文章


6.2019.12 SchoolOf #CycSatellites Seminar|項目講座