

现在你知道了90%的秀场时尚其实可以通过再生设计的方式来制作, 那为什么还有那么多设计师在绞尽脑汁去假装解构主义呢?嗯,其实你可以比他们做得更好,只要你掌握了那些叫它品味也好,审美也罢的搭配方式和各种制作技巧,你就可以开始创意设计了。 所以呢,这个核心就是Master technique(大师技术)。

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Min Lu

When major fashion corporations are busy monopolizing the fashion retailing market, laying off employees during acquisition, and continue to encourage consumerism in the name of technological innovation. A practice of niche regeneration design in a Taobao shop incidentally demonstrated a successful business model of upcycling. It is super profitable. Not only does it require zero layoffs, but it

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Min Lu

Their many numbers out there to tell you how serious the problems are in the fashion industry. And you might have attended many seminars and workshops related to this topic, but how well do you know about it? Or, say have you ever figured out how should you do to keep this industry more sustainable?


Other than hashtag all those keywords for the easy algorithm, what do you know about sustainable fashion? Other than photographing your wardrobe and selling second hands in the group then thinking of buying something new, have you noticed that most of the so-called recycling was just a lie?


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#CycSatellites|Goodness is like WATER上善若水

#CycSatellites, a project which was created to help companies on generating more profits from dead stocks and inventories; to help designers set up much creative and profitable business, and to help manufacture base increasing profit margins. The project comes with a series of online classes from SchoolOf|思故 and free accelerative support from LittleDesignSolution|立特方典.

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We are now a member of the world alliance for efficient solutions

Their many numbers out there to tell you how serious the problems are in the fashion industry. And you might have attended many seminars and workshops related to this topic, but how well do you know about it? Or, say have you ever figured out how should you do to keep this industry more sustainable?


Other than hashtag all those keywords for the easy algorithm, what do you know about sustainable fashion? Other than photographing your wardrobe and selling second hands in the group then thinking of buying something new, have you noticed that most of the so-called recycling was just a lie?


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FashionTime&Me33|American Lesson I-If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere-New York New York

American Lesson I: If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere-New York New York 極簡設計,轉口貿易,海外加工,輕奢商業,科技時尚,美國時尚產業的當代發展脈絡。

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#CycSatellites再生設計;Fashion,Time&Me能給未來什麼幫助;Studio P.I.和商業再生設計;21世紀時尚紀事紀錄的中國時尚產業;Covid19改變時尚;SchoolOf|思故未來學習方式

01 #CycSatellites再生設計項目:How it works|如何運行 02 Fashion,Time & Me能給未來什麼幫助 09:26 03 Studio P.I.是怎麼做商業再生設計的 25:00 04 21世紀時尚紀事紀錄的中國時尚產業 27:05 05 Covid19改變時尚產業的現在和未來 33:35 06 SchoolOf|思故: 未來的學習模式 38:22

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