
Posts tagged Sustainablefashion
#CycSatellites|Goodness is like WATER上善若水

#CycSatellites, a project which was created to help companies on generating more profits from dead stocks and inventories; to help designers set up much creative and profitable business, and to help manufacture base increasing profit margins. The project comes with a series of online classes from SchoolOf|思故 and free accelerative support from LittleDesignSolution|立特方典.

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1.時尚品牌和企業現狀及困境 The difficult of fashion retail and chain effect during epidemic 2.為什麼說疫情帶來時尚市場復甦的轉機? Why epidemic beings best chance of market reform for fashion industry? 3.未來什麼樣的時尚企業可以持續發展? What type of fashion company/corporation would survival easier post epidemic? 4.抗疫期間產業在停滯中整合是永續發展的最佳契機 The best time to reform your business is during the epidemic.

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1.為什麼永續發展的重點不是材料革新? 2.為什麼共享經濟在時尚界很難成功? 3.為什麼不建議初創企業做服務和平台? 4.創意源於思維方式的轉化,類比和求同是找出問題的關鍵。

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