
Posts tagged designthinking
FashionTime&Me33|American Lesson I-If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere-New York New York

American Lesson I: If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere-New York New York 極簡設計,轉口貿易,海外加工,輕奢商業,科技時尚,美國時尚產業的當代發展脈絡。

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#CycSatellites再生設計;Fashion,Time&Me能給未來什麼幫助;Studio P.I.和商業再生設計;21世紀時尚紀事紀錄的中國時尚產業;Covid19改變時尚;SchoolOf|思故未來學習方式

01 #CycSatellites再生設計項目:How it works|如何運行 02 Fashion,Time & Me能給未來什麼幫助 09:26 03 Studio P.I.是怎麼做商業再生設計的 25:00 04 21世紀時尚紀事紀錄的中國時尚產業 27:05 05 Covid19改變時尚產業的現在和未來 33:35 06 SchoolOf|思故: 未來的學習模式 38:22

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#CycSatellites|05 Solution to post-epidemic recovery for fashion industry 再生設計:最好的復工方式



讓再生設計助力企業盤活資金 「







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1.時尚品牌和企業現狀及困境 The difficult of fashion retail and chain effect during epidemic 2.為什麼說疫情帶來時尚市場復甦的轉機? Why epidemic beings best chance of market reform for fashion industry? 3.未來什麼樣的時尚企業可以持續發展? What type of fashion company/corporation would survival easier post epidemic? 4.抗疫期間產業在停滯中整合是永續發展的最佳契機 The best time to reform your business is during the epidemic.

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FashionTime&Me|05資本,產品和客戶哪個對你更重要?|Money, Products&CustomersWhich1IsEssential2UrSustainableSolution?

FashionTime&Me|05資本,產品和客戶哪個對於你的企業更重要?|05Money, Products&CustomersWhichOneIsEssentialToYourSustainableSolution? 為什麼初創企業不能學習靠資本和數字堆砌的平台模式? 為什麼我們說永續發展一旦成為市場營銷手段商業模式就不會再永續發展。

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Material innovation is not a guarantee of commercial success. Environmental friendly concept do not result reduction of pollution level. The most sustainable business model is to convert the things around you into wealth with the least cost.材料創新不是商業成功的保證,環保理念不一定帶來環保結果,用最少的成本把身邊的物品轉化成財富才是最可持續的商業模式。

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How #CycSatellites Changes fashion system and create new opportunities for future fashion industry

When people ask HOW, they say to themselves impossible already. When people ask WHAT IS THE BENEFITS, they are looking for easy money. When people want to know exactly WHAT IS IT before they hearing the information which we've sent out, they have already lost interest on what they thought they are passionated about it.

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