
Posts tagged sustainability

Their many numbers out there to tell you how serious the problems are in the fashion industry. And you might have attended many seminars and workshops related to this topic, but how well do you know about it? Or, say have you ever figured out how should you do to keep this industry more sustainable?


Other than hashtag all those keywords for the easy algorithm, what do you know about sustainable fashion? Other than photographing your wardrobe and selling second hands in the group then thinking of buying something new, have you noticed that most of the so-called recycling was just a lie?


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We are now a member of the world alliance for efficient solutions

Their many numbers out there to tell you how serious the problems are in the fashion industry. And you might have attended many seminars and workshops related to this topic, but how well do you know about it? Or, say have you ever figured out how should you do to keep this industry more sustainable?


Other than hashtag all those keywords for the easy algorithm, what do you know about sustainable fashion? Other than photographing your wardrobe and selling second hands in the group then thinking of buying something new, have you noticed that most of the so-called recycling was just a lie?


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#CycSatellites|05 Solution to post-epidemic recovery for fashion industry 再生設計:最好的復工方式



讓再生設計助力企業盤活資金 「







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2020年春節帶給我的的可持續發展的思考。 民間自助,口罩DIY和醫護用品的反類管理和面對自然災害和緊急情況時不同時代的用具準備。 極簡主義,斷捨離後要怎麼囤貨不出門地自我隔離 純天然和消毒劑的悖論。

Waste management under emergency situation; stay positive but be prepare the worst, how could we learn from the past.

Green energy, Smart phone, and cashless society, Virtual vs reality.

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The biggest lie of sustainable fashion nowadays is to use recycled PET fibers weaving more fabrics then producing more garments as solution to reduce pollution.

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SchoolOf|Interview questions with

In recent years, education business has much focused on preparing future designers other than learning real techniques, it also has to do with globalization and transforming domestic manufacture base into oversea production bases. Most of the western educations are no longer fit in to the needs of global market. Marketing redirected student mindsets from learning the business to learning how to design. Many design graduate do not know how to design to fit in the local market with business mindsets or developing their business in a very academically way base on the education which they had in where the education had granted.

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