
Posts tagged solution
We are now a member of the world alliance for efficient solutions

Their many numbers out there to tell you how serious the problems are in the fashion industry. And you might have attended many seminars and workshops related to this topic, but how well do you know about it? Or, say have you ever figured out how should you do to keep this industry more sustainable?


Other than hashtag all those keywords for the easy algorithm, what do you know about sustainable fashion? Other than photographing your wardrobe and selling second hands in the group then thinking of buying something new, have you noticed that most of the so-called recycling was just a lie?


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Material innovation is not a guarantee of commercial success. Environmental friendly concept do not result reduction of pollution level. The most sustainable business model is to convert the things around you into wealth with the least cost.材料創新不是商業成功的保證,環保理念不一定帶來環保結果,用最少的成本把身邊的物品轉化成財富才是最可持續的商業模式。

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