

Can we really keep Calm?|我們真能淡定自如?

While many of the designers, consultants, and innovation strategy planners are excited and fascinated about recycled fibers, and innovative materials, what we really ignored is till the true cost of recycle business. 


When we say that technologies and innovations can reduce water consumption on new making, or natural dye/waterless dye can reduce pollutions, or trying to provide solutions on plastic waste by making recycled plastic into fiber, most of the times we ignored couple of the facts:

當我們說技術和創新可以減少新產品製造的耗水量,或者天然染料/無水染料可以減少污染,或者試圖通過將再生塑料製成纖維來解決塑料污染問題時,大多數時候我們忽略了幾個事實 :

  1. Innovations do not guarantee business success.

  2. Innovations do not reduce the cost and consumption on sorting.

  3. Innovations cannot digest more than 15% of total waste under current capacity.

  1. 創新並不能保證企業的成功。

  2. 創新不會降低分揀的成本和消耗。

  3. 在現有能力下,創新的消化量不得超過總廢物的15%。

Recycle conspiracy|再生陰謀論

This clip revealed the downside of recycling industry in electronic components, but there are many similar angles which we should also look through in fashion field. 


If you have never watch this clip from Ted, I strongly suggest you listen to it and learn from the numbers. What is the reality behand the "safe guard" of sustainability.


Less bad is still bad.

Pre Recycle Case Study: Allbirds scenario |在循環前期調研:Allbirds現象

First time I saw pair of Allbirds was on friend's moment. as a fashion designer who had shoe design experience, I told this friend that she should help Allbirds design better structure of the shoe. Even just see through her clip, I have already see the structure is not quit follow the structure of human feet, but without doubts the material should offer much better feeling specially on naked feet, Merino wool.  As a Flyknit fan, my experience with Kyakusou tells me all issues with Allbirds in certain kind of regions of China and the South East Asia. 


1. Easy breaking knit threads: three pairs of Flyknits and one pair of Onistuka Tiger had all had the issues on mesh surfaced materials. The good think about Flyknit is that you can possibly restitch your knit without being notice, but with Allbirds, you would not have such option only if you are a super skilled fabric repairing specialist, such people I have only seen when I saw working in the Germany headquarter of Hugo Boss.After watching the vast majority of reviews for two years, I found that almost all people who have worn Allbirds will have the same damages at the same places. This is of course related to the manufacturing process and design structure of the shoes.

1.容易斷線:三對耐克飛線運動鞋和一對Onistuka Tiger在網狀表面材料上都存在相同的問題。飛線的一個很好處就是您可能用針線修補斷線但不會被看出來,但是如果是Allbirds,除非當您是一位熟練的織物維修專家時,您才不會選擇用線縫補,具有這樣手藝的人我只在Hugo Boss德國總部工作時見過。而觀看了兩年的絕大多數review後發現幾乎所有穿就穿壞過Allbirds的人一些相同的地方都會出現同樣的破損問題。這當然和鞋子的製作工藝及設計結構有關。

2. Not water proof: one of the review in the US got a comment on rainy days, and it confirmed my concerns on not easy to be dried. I then went trough more reviews on this issue, most of them had the same situation even on washing. Not just that the rainy day sponge-bob effects, but also the energy consumptions on drying Allbirds. If you ask me why do I believe these are true and honest reviews? I would provide you my personal experiences with fabric based shoes. The first time I had bare-feet rainy day experiences with my Kyakusou was the day of Kyoto Marathon couple of years ago. There was heavy rain day before that day and I had the pair walked all the way to Kyomizuri-dera with loads of water within a pair of knit wrapped feet was awful experience, luckily Flyknit is polyester based material with quick dry treatment. the pair was dries completely,  and i share my experience with a Japanese athlete who was going to Kyoto Marathon. My second experience on not easy dry fast is from my investment on organic washable baby diapers. Many of my customers in Southern China had concerns on  how to dry the materials during rainy day or winter time. One of the YouTuber spent 6hours to dry his pair of Allbirds. If any one ever had experiences in western world, you know that unlike the chinese way of drying washed items under natural lights, most of people use dryer to dry their stuffs after cleaning. And if you have ever being a broken student, you would also know how much would cost you to have your pair of shoes dried in 6 hours with a dryer. 


3.Slippery sole: just by looking at the design of the shoe, you can tell the problem of it. 100% of the reviewer had said that the shoes are vey slippery, and not suit for wet floors, rainy days and certain kind of surfaces, and even at the gym. AllBirds had two generations of sole so far, but it seem not improved much.  I was kind of wondering if this is due to the material  which they are using as TreeFoam?


4. Easier to worn out whilst the high cost of purchasing: almost all average Americans said that 79 dollars pair of shoes (RMB560.00) is a bit of expensive, and it could only last for less than two years. The longest review which I have seen on YouTube is 24months. Yes, if I think about my pair of Fly knit which had already being worn for four years, and only had minor issues on broken threads, I would say that my higher carbon foot print and toxic pair of Nike is much sustainable than a pair of "sustainable" Allbirds. And it cost pretty much the same amount of money or a slightly higher. 

4.購買成本高昂的同時更容易穿破:幾乎所有普通美國人都說79美元的鞋(560元人民幣)有點貴,而且只能使用不到兩年。我在油管上看到的最長著用時間的評論是24個月。是的,如果想一想我已經穿了四年的飛線鞋,僅僅是斷線的小問題,我會說我的碳足跡過量和有害程度更高的Nike,比一對“可持續” 的Allbirds鞋要更可持續得多 。它們的價格幾乎相同或略高一點而已

Now let's take a look at the positive impact of Allbirds’ sustainability: 

  1. Use ingredients extracted from natural materials, innovative materials and recycled materials to make shoes.

  2. Reduces carbon footprint by 60% over traditional shoemaking processes.

  3. Packaging box made of recycled materials.


  1.  使用從天然材料中提取的成分,創新材料和再生材料製作鞋子。

  2.  比傳統製鞋工藝減少了60%的碳排放量。

  3. 再生材料製作的包裝盒。 

As for the shoes themselves, we think that the wearing experience of Allbirds must be very comfortable in a certain kind of climates, meanwhile the problem of dehumidification and perspiration during wearing will also occur (some users even consider bare feet experiences would be even worse) . We understand that environmentally friendly design (based on recycled and new materials) eventually have issues of quality and durability. But as far as its degradability is concerned, it is certainly worth buying and it will be more environmentally friendly after disposal.


But in terms of business models, we would have to consider the following issues from different perspectives:


1.Are the costs of endorsements and assessments passed on to consumers? The information gathered from the above shows that the vast majority of ordinary American consumers would think that a pair of shoes that can only be worn for two years is a bit expensive for $ 79. And the the choice of materials applied on design and the crafts utilized on production process is less worthy of this price, even some reviewers feel that these shoes are not much different from HM design wise. So is there a high cost of market expenses of Allbirds? Of course, we know that Leonardo DiCaprio endorsed it free as an angel investor. Yes, but from some reviewers you can clearly see the marketing tactic of that Allbirds with hidden cost. From the amount of single brand evaluations, we can get the traces of their digital marketing actions.

代言和測評所產生的費用是否轉嫁給了消費者?從上面收集來的信息得知絕大多數普通美國消費者會認為花79美元買一雙只能穿兩年的鞋有點小貴。並鞋子在設計上多選用的材料和製作工藝的流程有點對不起這個價格,甚至有測評者覺得這些跟HM買來的外觀上沒有大區別。那麼是否allbirds也存在高成本的市場運營費用呢?當然我們也可以這樣認為,列奧納多 · 迪卡普里奧是作為天使投資人免費代言的。對, 但是從某些測評人那裡你可以清楚地知道Allbirds存在大量的網絡運營費用。因為就單一品牌測評量來看,明顯可以看到數字媒體運營的痕跡。

2. Does the repurchase of non-persistent quality products violate the principle of sustainable development? We all know the 5R principle of sustainable development. The key has always been to reduce the quantity of production. So, do products with short-lasting using time and environmentally friendly materials follow the principle of reducing the quantity of production? In order to continue the life of products, the total amount of products that cannot be reused and can only be repurchased is actually the same as traditional products. It does not reduce consumption but increases consumption.


3. Which is more environmentally friendly, non-persistent quality products which use sustainable materials or traditional industry processed products?  The tree runner story of Allbirds said to reduce the water consumption by 95% compared to the traditional process, and reduced the carbon footprint by half. This seems to be a perfect story, but if we have consumer who buy a pair of traditional method crafted shoes that can last for more than 5 years, then we can do the math: the length

of usage on three pairs of Allbirds is equal to a  pair of shoes made with traditional crafts, then every three pairs of Allbirds have 50% larger carbon emission in compare to a pair of shoes made with traditional crafts. but the water consumption of Allbirds is less than 85% of shoes made with traditional crafts. Here we don't have all data of consumption on the abandoned shoes from entering the regeneration cycle at Allbirds,  but one thing that we can be sure is that every two years each consumer will contribute at least a pair of unusable Allbirds into the regeneration cycle. The probability of this process occurring is far greater than the chance of footwear products made with traditional processes eventually entering the regeneration cycle. Of course Allbirds is still a sustainable brand worth buying for some people in some regions.

非持久品質產品增加循環利用產生的排放量與傳統產品持久使用哪個更環保?我們看到Allbirds講述的tree runner的故事中材料耗水量比傳統工藝降低了95%, 然後碳足跡減低了一半。這看起來是一個完美的故事,但是當消費者買一對傳統工藝製作的可以持續著用5年以上的鞋的時候,那麼我們從時間上算一筆帳:三雙Allbirds的鞋著用時間等同於一雙傳統工藝製作的鞋子, 那麼每三雙allbirds的碳排放量大於一雙傳統工藝製作的鞋子50%,水消耗量小於傳統工藝製造的鞋子的85%。這裡我們沒有關於allbirds廢棄鞋子進入再生循環過程中的各種能耗的數據,但是我們可以肯定的是每兩年每個消費者至少就會貢獻一雙不可著用的allbirds進入到再生循環的過程,這個過程發生的機率遠遠大於傳統工藝製作的鞋類產品最終進入到再生循環機率。當然目前為止allbirds對於某些地區的某些人群來說還是非常值得購買的可持續品牌。

4.Do sustainable business models have the shortcomings of sustainable operations? Many sustainable brands and startups use sustainability as a core strategy for their future development. Brands such as Naadam campaigned on high quality and durability. Patagonia's latest strategy is to repair instead of buying. The highlight of Allbirds is the self-developed sustainable materials. However, price and production are the decisive factors in determining whether a brand can be long-lasting. Durability and the repurchasing model are contradictions in themselves. In the face of already overabundance of serious surplus products, how to balance the expansion and price sustainable brands with obvious price advantages is a problem to be solved. The most recent case is that during this year of Double Eleven, even sustainable brands such as Allbirds have also joined the sales promotion of the battle.

可持續商業模式是否天生存在可持續運營的短板?很多可持續品牌和初創公司以可持續作為公司未來發展的核心戰略。Naadam這樣的品牌標榜的是高質量耐使用,Patagonia最新的策略是修補代替買賣,Allbirds的亮點是自主研發的可持續材料。然而價格和產量是決定品牌是否可以持續生存下去的決定因素。耐用度與復購消費模式本身就是矛盾體, 面對已經堆積如山的嚴重的過剩產品,價格優勢不明顯的可持續品牌如何平衡拓展和價格這對矛盾體,是凾待解決的問題。最明顯的就是今年的雙十一期間連Allbirds這樣的可持續發展品牌也加入了大促的商戰實在有點減分。

關於Allbirds的branding, communication, marketing可以點擊以下連結

Below are the links of  Allbirds user reviews which we referred to. There are positive comments and some negative feedbacks. The footwear industry is a sector of the fashion industry that generates large amount of gas and toxic chemical materials. The current solution is also eliminate in compare to solutions which offered to clothing up cycling or recycling. Bottom end, Allbirds' raw materials are still one of the better choices of footwear industry. For the brand itself, perhaps the design details and quality of the shoes must be improved, as the company is committed to producing sustainable products. The real closed loop of sustainable development is the most difficult task for start-up companies to begin with. Not to mention that venture capital gambling are moving into the B round for sufficient funding. Whether the impact will turn negative in the foreseeable future is a breeze in the digital and algorithmic era:


Here we can easily see the answer of sustainable design is still consume less, and consume less is not just limited on final products but also in terms of the consumption of raw materials water and energies, etc. 


In fashion industry,  we not just need to take care of environmentally friendly materials, but also have concerns of the grows of the company revenue. Many solutions are either focused on the materials innovations or supply chain system improvements,  surprisingly we have never seen any of the solutions which can really close the loop and make the team really work together but not by sectors.  With #CycSatellites we are trying to speed up the process on digesting the quantity of total unsold products without sending them into landfills, materials regeneration and redistribution. With a small change of the way of sorting and processing, the industry can somewhat contain the total quantity of inventories and generate much more revenues directly from the stocks.


If you are company troubled with your fashion inventories, if you are a designer who is passionate about sustainable design and trying to find your future career path, contact us or join us to build up your Satellites, we will provide full support to help you achieve better success on your sustainable business development. We know how frustrate that you have to deal with your inventories, trying to find a descent deal to sale them for better cash flow, or paying extract cost for your storage. We know how do you feel when you have to start your brand and trying to find resource and deal with agents, or your hard working original ideas being copied and benefited to others. What you are going through, we have all been through. Work together, we can sort them all out.  

如果您被自己的時裝庫存困擾,或者您是一位對可持續設計充滿熱情並試圖找到自己未來的職業道路的設計師,請與我們聯繫或加入我們來建立您的團隊,我們將提供全力支持以幫助您在您的可持續業務發展上取得更大的成功。 我們了解您必須如何處理庫存,試圖找到更好的交易價格以出售它們來換取獲得更好的現金流,或為惱人的庫存支付額外成本。 我們明白當您必須建立自己的品牌並試圖尋找資源或與代理商打交道時的不得已,或者您的辛勤工作的原始創意被複製並惠及他人時時您的感受。 您正在經歷的事情,我們都經歷過。 共同努力,我們可以幫助您解決這些問題。

Material innovation is not a guarantee of commercial success. Environmental friendly concept do not result reduction of pollution level. The most sustainable business model is to convert the things around you into wealth with the least cost.


Follow our account to get newest update on out seminars, lectures, workshops, and exhibitions. understand the concept of #CycSatellites, the mindset transforming course on sustainable fashion design to preparing your business on sustainability development from SchoolOf|思故, clip the links below. You can also find our contact via scan code.

訂閱我們的公眾號獲取最新的研討會,講座,講習班和展覽的信息更新。 了解#CycSatellites的運作概念,從SchoolOf |思故可持續性時裝設計的課程開始轉變思維方式,準備您的可持續發展事業,詳情請點擊下面的鏈接。 您也可以通過掃描二維碼聯繫我們。


SchoolOf|Hello,Shenzhen!#CycSatellitesIsComing 「再生衛星站」和小夥伴深圳見!




SchoolOfIWere you there?昨天都發生了什麼

SchoolOf|Initialing #CycSatellites 「再生衛星站」項目啟動












SchoolOf|第一集 再生設計原理

SchoolOf|第二集 再生設計的設計理論

SchoolOf|第三集 再生設計的市場運營

SchoolOf|再生設計第四集 品牌定位(課程介紹)

SchoolOf|第五集 再生設計供應鏈和SAARS系統

SchoolOf|第六集 再生設計與公司關係和新型解決方案


SchoolOf|第八集 可持續發展,循環經濟和慢時尚如何尋找就業平衡

SchoolOf|第九集 不僅僅限於供應鏈的真正循環經濟模式

SchoolOf|第十集 手工藝,非物質遺產和人工智能

Through this course we hope that you can transform your mindset to wards circular fashion,  build your own satellite workstations and join our projects to pragmatically advance a business model that can truly influence sustainable fashion. You can achieve your own sustainable design ideals and achieve business success. 

All videos are available in Chinese and English subtitles to help you understand what the details of each level will be designed. All contents are suitable for start-up business strategies.

