
How #CycSatellites Changes fashion system and create new opportunities for future fashion industry

A comprehensive solution to create a closed loop of fashion circular economy

An accelerator for creating entrepreneurial and employment opportunities for young designers

A business model that actively participates in sustainable development to reduce overproduction and generate benefits




How #CycSatellites Changes fashion system and create new opportunities for future fashion industry 

You might’ve read some of our articles and might be wondering what #CycSatellites is, how it is related to sustainable fashion and what it really means to put sustainability into action. So come and join us on Wednesday 27th, November at 7pm, we will have our first offline introduction to the public. A prosperous new year beginning with good planning, if you are looking for a change, this one is worth your time to listen.

您可能已經閱讀了我們關於再生設計的一些文章,並且可能想知道#CycSatellites是什麼?它與可持續時尚有何關係?以及它是將可持續發展付諸實踐的。 那麼,我們邀請您在11月27日(星期三)晚上7點參與我們的首次公眾見面介紹會。 展望新年良好的計劃帶來繁榮,如果您正在尋求改變,那麼這個發佈會值得您的傾聽。

  • Who we you?

  • Why do our way of up cycling works better than other solutions?

  • How does it work?

  • What dose the satellites do?

  • Where can you find one?

  • When can you see the impact and results of it?

You will hear all the answers above.

  • 你們是誰?

  • 為什麼你們的再生設計比其他解決方案更好?

  • 它如何起作用?

  • 衛星是什麼意思?

  • 在哪裡建設這樣的地方?

  • 何時可以看到它的影響和結果?


You will see real cases on up cycling with profitability, the display of collaboration, the panel discussion, and the Q & A.


When people ask HOW, they say to themselves impossible already. When people ask WHAT IS THE BENEFITS, they are looking for easy money. When people want to know exactly WHAT IS IT before they hearing the information which we've sent out, they have already lost interest on what they thought they are passionated about it.

我們收到了很多關於#CycSatellites的問號和疑惑。當人們問怎麼可能的時候,他們已經對自己說不可能了。當人們問這樣做有什麼好處時,他們正在尋找輕鬆賺錢的方法。當人們在聆聽我們演講之前想要確切地知道詳細信息才決定 是否前往時,他們已經對自己認為懷有激情的事失去了興趣。

Meet up with industry professionals and startups to share the same vision and starting to plan your own satellites.  Find out how do we offer support and help to get orders for you, come and join our event.


Team and Speakers團隊及主講

Nicole Wang

CFO of #CycSatellites

One of the youngest investment managers at ING Group, specialized in G20 macroeconomic analysis. She also briefly worked as investment banking analyst at Royal Bank of Scotland in London. Currently Nicole is the founder and director of CWP Asia. She is a Level III CFA candidate, and she holds two master’s degrees from Columbia University in the US and University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

ING集團最年輕的投資經理之一,專門從事G20宏觀經濟分析。她還曾在倫敦的蘇格蘭皇家銀行擔任過投資銀行分析師。目前,妮可是CWP Asia的創始人兼董事。她是CFA的III級候選人,並且擁有美國哥倫比亞大學和荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學的兩個碩士學位。


Designer of #CycSatellites

Passionate by Fashion and theater/movie costumes, Mathilde build her professional path experimenting all around garments and fabrics. She spend most of her life in her home city , Paris in France, where she worked for the couture house such as Chanel, Lanvin and Jean-Paul Gaultier.  She came to Shanghai to transmit her knowledge.  She still doing costumes and won a price at the last 48hrFilmProject in Shanghai. She is currentlyteaching at Shanghai University - Mod’Art as head teacher of Pattern Making & Draping.

Mathilde對時裝和戲劇/電影服裝充滿熱情,她建立了自己的專業道路,圍繞服裝和麵料進行實驗。 她一生的大部分時間都在自己的家鄉法國巴黎度過,在那裡她為香奈兒(Chanel),浪凡(Lanvin)和Jean-Paul Gaultier等高級時裝店工作。 她來上海是為了傳播自己的知識。 她仍然在做服裝,並在上海的最後48小時電影項目中贏得了價格。 她目前在上海大學現代藝術學院任教,擔任圖案製作與垂飾的首席老師。

LU Min

Founder of #CycSatellites

She has 12 years of experience on up cycle design. Graduated from IFM, FIT and POLIMODA, worked as designer for Donna Karan, Oscar de la Renta, Geoffery Beene, Givenchy Haute-couture and Hugo Boss in New York, Paris, and Shanghai. She then established her own brands under Studio P.I. She collaborated with Nike & W+K as stylist on event marketing and made cycled design collection for it. The project won ADC Hybrid on 2007. Her brand & studio was also nominated as the most influential Chinese designers in 2007 by That’s Shanghai.  She had her up cycled collection exhibited at Expo 2010 and Taiwan.  She had also invested on sustainable children’s wear brand. She also lectured at La Salle-DHU, Mod’Art, Detao Master of SIVA, ESSCA and NYU Shanghai. She is writing a book named “21st Century Chinese Fashion Chronicle”.

她在再生設計方面擁有12年的經驗。畢業於IFM,FIT和POLIMODA,曾在紐約,巴黎和上海的Donna Karan,Oscar de la Renta,Geoffery Beene,Givenchy Haute-couture和Hugo Boss擔任設計師。然後,她建立了自己的品牌Studio P.I.。她與耐克(Nike)&W + K合作擔任活動營銷設計師,並為其進行再生設計系列。該項目於2007年獲得ADC Hybrid獎。她的品牌和工作室也被That’s Shanghai提名為2007年最具影響力的中國設計師。她在2010年上海世博會和台灣展出了自己的再生設計系列。她曾投資可持續性童裝品牌。還曾在La Salle-DHU,Mod’Art,上海視覺學院的Detao大師班,上海ESSCA和NYU上海授課。她目前正在寫一本名為《 21世紀中國時尚紀事》的書。

Date:27th of November, 2019 7:00pm-9:00pm

時間:2019年11月27日 晚上7點到9點

Location:Mallower Coffee

No.70 Tongren Rd., Jingan,  Shanghai


      上海靜安區銅仁路70號 (靜安香格里拉斜對面靠近「餖」 咖啡一側)

Price:Early Bird:RMB50 with gift pack from Mallower

Group of three:RMB135

At door:RMB80




Registration and Payment code 報名及付費

SchoolOf|Initiating #CycSatellites 「再生衛星站」項目啟動






SchoolOf|第一集 再生設計原理

SchoolOf|第二集 再生設計的設計理論

SchoolOf|第三集 再生設計的市場運營

SchoolOf|再生設計第四集 品牌定位(課程介紹)

SchoolOf|第五集 再生設計供應鏈和SAARS系統

SchoolOf|第六集 再生設計與公司關係和新型解決方案


SchoolOf|第八集 可持續發展,循環經濟和慢時尚如何尋找就業平衡

SchoolOf|第九集 不僅僅限於供應鏈的真正循環經濟模式

SchoolOf|第十集 手工藝,非物質遺產和人工智能

Through this course we hope that you can transform your mindset to wards circular fashion,  build your own satellite workstations and join our projects to pragmatically advance a business model that can truly influence sustainable fashion. You can achieve your own sustainable design ideals and achieve business success. 

All videos are available in Chinese and English subtitles to help you understand what the details of each level will be designed. All contents are suitable for start-up business strategies.

