

The biggest lie of sustainable fashion nowadays is to use recycled PET fibers weaving more fabrics then producing more garments as solution to reduce pollution.


Why do we say so|我們為什麼這麼說

First we do admit that recycle plastic into fiber would somewhat prevent plastic wastes going into land and water, but the recycling process would eventually produce more pollution which similar to the fiber production from fossil fuel refined resources. 

It would also not able to prevent the new type of pollution from Micro plastics. 

Last and most importantly, while fashion industry has not yet find good solution to sustain itself,  can it capable to solve the problem of plastic pollution?




The waste which already hard to digest|自顧不暇的時尚過剩

That was ten years ago when the second recession hit fashion industry in China, online business saved the over produced QTY from domestic market in China. Many of us in this industry had predicted that we would still have inventories to sale for the next five years of time without producing any single piece of garment.


Yet, we didn't stop the engine, and fast fashion became a new comer and dominated this industry.

In 2010, what we were worrying about was CO2 emission. In 2015, what we realized was there will be no water to produce jeans or T-shirt in nearly future. In 2019, we set up the goal of sustainability to reduce water consumption by 30% by 2025 and we understood that we cannot even recycle 10% of the garment wastes into fiber annually. Can fashion help to clean up the plastic help with this speed of production?


This summer, group of students simulated the quantity of garments sold on major online platforms such as, Amazon, Net-a-Porte, Farfetch, Taobao, Tmall, JD and Pinduoduo, etc. There are 920 billion of garments being sold on those platforms. which means that every human on this planet had purchased at least 200 pieces of garment annually.

今年夏天,一群學生模擬了在主要的在線平台(如亞馬遜,Net-a-Porte,Farfetch,淘寶,天貓,京東和拼多多)上出售的服裝數量。這些平台上出售的服裝大約為9200億件 , 這意味著這個星球上的每個人每年需要購買至少200件衣服。

The double 11 sales once again on 2019 had just reached the highest record. Let's just assume that this is the accurate number of sales.  Our method  of simulating the total sales on apparel business is as such: to take 30% of the total sales value in cash on Alibaba platform, and assume that the average sales per garment is 100RMB, we will get the number of apparel products sold at the day. and let's take 30% of this number as  average sales per day, then times 364 and plus the single day sales of double 11, then you will have a good guess on how many apparel products have been sold annually at Alibaba. and let's keep in mind that this is just only one of the largest platforms on this planet.


Have we had solution on those which we have created?我們對於這些已經存在的服裝是否已經有解決方案?

We might have recycled 10% of fashion waste into fiber, meanwhile we will create another 90% of new fiber to satisfy the next cycle of production. We might have down cycled 20% of fashion waste into fuel in Sweden,  and we will have produce another 80% of new fiber to weave new materials. We might have up-cycled some of materials and second hand products into new products, but would those effort enough to contain the quantity of total wastes? Do we still have room for recycled plastic fiber to save the fish, water and ocean? 

Technically speaking do you really believe that 100% natural dye can support the dying process of PET fiber and qualify the the testing standard of color fasten? Do we still planing to increasing the pollution of micro plastic further?



Can fashion industry digest plastic wastes while it is still responsible to the wastes already created?

Guilty or not guilty|如何是好?

What we have said had nothing against the innovations of textile industry, on the other hand, we strongly suggest that every brand uses innovative sustainable materials to reduce the cost of new textile. But the Key of sustainable fashion is not issue of material, it is the issue of the total quantity which this industry had created.


The reason that recycled plastic fiber should not be considered as sustainable solution in fashion industry are as follow: 1. PET fiber cannot decrease the amount of fashion waste which had been created. 2. PET fiber increases more fashion wastes which cannot be decomposed. 3.recycled plastic fiber cannot decrease water pollution, energy consumption, and environmental pollution.

再生塑料纖維不應被視為時裝業的可持續解決方案的原因如下:1. PET纖維不能減少已產生的時尚廢物量。2. PET纖維增加了無法分解的時尚廢物。3,再生塑料纖維不會減少水污染,能源消耗和環境污染。

Imho, the essential of sustainable fashion or circular fashion is to contain the total quantity of products and digest from whichever had created.


By the time comes when we had better solution to deal with what fashion industry had created, then help to digest plastic wastes would be much proper solution to all.


You might have asked why does recycled plastic fiber became a popular solution on sustainability? The answers are:

  1. when the fiber was invented 10 years ago, fashion industry have not yet being covered with such amount of overproduced items. but someone had already realized that plastic would eventually became a huge problem.  

  2. plastic is cheap, therefore to recycle it into fiber is the cheapest solution on recycled fibers.

  3. the world cup popularized the usage of recycled plastic fiber, that made it possible to be massed into a scale with reasonable price for cost and consumption on making.




Here are some questions we want to ask:

1. what if the garments which produced with recycled materials  are still not sold, how do we deal with those plastics?

2. while we prevented sent more plastics into lands, rives and oceans, are we still create more micro plastics in addition?

3. if we all towards sustainability in the future, what should we do on the thing which already exist? any plans on those? are we ignoring the problems in front of us right here right now?



