

When we started to prepare turkey, the holiday season starts. Thanks Giving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and a new year will begin. Though we all read the history of what the British settler had done to the natives, let's just cherish the moment of peace and joy let love and forgiveness full-fill the world, aggression and hate would just divid the societies.


To us, this year, we finalized the structure of #CycSatellites and ready to launch, produced SchoolOf|思故 sustainable course series, and linked education and the acculturate program and ready to bring much bigger impacts on sustainable fashion development.  


Now we refine the definition of #CycSatellites as such:


LittleDesignSolution|立特方典 offers sustainable design solution to fashion and design companies. It also provides education programs to help young designers and industry professionals transform their mindset towards eco design. The recent development is #CycSatellites, a project which created to help companies on generating more profits from dead stocks and inventories; to help designers setting up much creative and profitable business, and to help manufacture base increasing profit margins. The project comes with series of online class from SchoolOf|思故 and free accelerative support from LittleDesignSolution|立特方典。

LittleDesignSolution |立特方典為時裝和設計公司提供可持續的設計解決方案。它還提供一個教育項目,以幫助年輕的設計師和行業專業人士將他們的設計理念從傳統設計思維轉變為更環保的設計。最近的項目是#CycSatellites,該項目旨在幫助公司從庫存和死庫存中產生更多利潤;幫助設計師建立更多具有創造力和能創造更大利潤的商業模式,並幫助製造基地提高收益率。該項目包含SchoolOf|思故的系列在線課程以及LittleDesignSolution |立特方典的免費加速支持服務。

We believe that wealth coming from helping others and sharing brings bring prosperity and that is the only way to sustainability.

Just before Thanks giving day, we had our first offline event to introduce  #CycSatellites. Thank you for Ines from Kering, Hong and team from Adventi, Xena from Xintiandi plaza, Karen, Mubina and Mei for coming in a rainy day! Thanks for the support from Mellower coffee team! And thank you for our team Mathilde and Nicole of #Cycsatelittes! 


A while ago we agreed to support Shanghai Pride on red Ribbon Gala Charity event. And the first day of December, we thank you for the generosity of Alex Lin at the Red Ribbon Gala for the World AIDS Day, wining auction of SchoolOf|思故 sustainability online course at RMB4800.00! All money goes to Shanghai QING AI health center!SchoolOf|思故 and #CycSatellites support the actions which help younger generation living in a better society.  We are happy to collaborate again with Shanghai Pride again!

不久前,我們同意在紅絲帶晚會慈善活動中支持“上海驕傲節”。而在12月的第一天,我們感謝亞歷克斯·林(Alex Lin)在世界艾滋病日紅絲帶晚會上的慷慨解囊,以4800.00元人民幣的價格拍賣了SchoolOf |思故可持續發展在線課程!所有的錢都捐給了上海青艾保健中心!SchoolOf |思故和#CycSatellites支持旨在幫助年輕一代生活在更美好社會中的行動。我們很高興再次與上海驕傲節合作!

As Teenager memory, one or my mother's friend, the Dean of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts died on AIDS on the 80s. We are glad to help fight for a AIDS free future. 


There are many years from the past, many designers are struggling on how to survive, many of them had traveled far and hopping there is space of their creativities. Some had lost their confidence on it, some are still bared with tons and tons of fashion wastes. 


There are many years ahead of us, more and more to come is the reality to everyone of us. We are happy to step forward not just represent single brand for single product up cycling, what about your? 


If you would join our course as startup, ot if you would like to be part of the #CycSatellites, please contact us below. 
