
#CycSatellites|Goodness is like WATER上善若水

This video is the entry material for the Zayed sustainability prize 2021. This time we try to solve the problem to improve water consumption.

#CycSatellites, a project which was created to help companies on generating more profits from dead stocks and inventories; to help designers set up much creative and profitable business, and to help manufacture base increasing profit margins. The project comes with a series of online classes from SchoolOf|思故 and free accelerative support from LittleDesignSolution|立特方典.

#CycSatellites is a human-centered, technique-oriented project which results in market expansion, profit increase, and environmental improvements. We bring real impact to fashion sustainability.

Over-produced fashion products not only consume a large number of raw materials such as natural fibers, synthetic materials, non-biodegradable textiles, and accessories but also create pollutions of all sectors, water, air, soil, and energy, etc. Other than the direct impacts which occurred, off-season inventories and dead-stocks also occupied up to 30% of cash flows and 50% of storage spaces. The largest proportion of fashion waste has long been ignored by mainstream solutions, they turned into bad debt losses, depreciated and unused materials, charity marketing methods, or recycled raw materials, but no one had ever regarded them as re-designable golden assets. We have designed a set of recycling design solutions that can use inventory to revitalize cash flow and maximize product sales profit with minimum energy consumption in process with near-zero additional cost-#CycSatellites, on the premise of not increasing the total number of new products, it allows companies to invest as little cash assets as possible but still have continuous new products on the market.

Elon Musk proved to us that the inexhaustible and endless clean energy shines on us every day, and solar energy does not require mining and secondary processing. SpaceX has also achieved the reuse of carrier rockets. Boyan Slat’s ocean cleanup tells us that plastic debris deposited in the ocean can be removed and profitable within five years. We also believe that the fashion industry can only disappear from the list of the world's most polluting industries when we stop manufacturing new apparel products from raw materials and start upcycling from inventories to reduce secondary processing and turn waste into profits.

Our solution focuses on the diversity of inclusive fashion products, provides product prices that are affordable to all income groups, and makes efforts for sustainable development.  With the outward migration of processing and the ultimate desire for profit, while providing basic job opportunities, the living standards of people with lower incomes have not been greatly improved. On the contrary, they have to face more declines in living standards caused by environmental pollution. The best solution to these problems should not be disruptive or supply chain innovation that cannot prevent excess product manufacturing, but more tolerant and innovative thinking as #CycSatellites.

During the pandemic, many of the industry giants had to cut off the orders and drop off the season, either they had converted their apparel and related division to produce PPE products or they are just simply in financial difficulties.  The impact of Covid 19 raised awareness of some industrial professions, Italian design master Giorgio Armani had decided to stop chasing the speed of the fashion industry, house Saint Laurent Paris had decided to show when there is new idea available. "Only if we can realize change is more important than money, and money will come" as Boyan Slat once said at TEDxDelft. We must change what we are making via #CycSatellites.

If you are business owner, brand manager or small business entrepreneur and just happened looking for solutions, contact us. If you are designer and straggling to survive, join us. If you are student and loosing energy on what you are doing, follow us.

「再生衛星站」,一個旨在幫助公司從庫存中產生更多利潤的項目;幫助設計師建立具有更多創作空間和更大利潤的項目,並同時幫助加工產業提高收益。該項目提供了SchoolOf |思故的一系列在線課程以及LittleDesignSolution |立特方典的免費加速支持。



伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)向我們證明,取之不盡,用之不竭的清潔能源每天都在照耀著我們,太陽能不需要採礦和二次加工。SpaceX還實現了運載火箭的再利用。博揚·斯拉特(Boyan Slat)的海洋清理項目告訴我們,海洋可以自動清除沉積其中的塑料碎片,並在五年內盈利。我們也同樣相信,當我們停止使用新製造的原材料生產服裝產品,並開始從庫存中進行再生設計以減少二次加工並將廢物轉化為利潤時,時裝業就會從世界上污染最嚴重的行業中消失。


瘟疫大流行的年代,許多行業巨頭不得不削減訂單並減少季節,或者被迫轉產PPE產品加入抗疫,要嘛直接陷入財務困境中。新冠疫情的影響喚醒了人類的良知,意大利設計大師喬治·阿瑪尼(Giorgio Armani)決定停止追趕時尚產業的速度,巴黎圣羅蘭(Saint Laurent Paris)決定在有新想法時才會出設計系列進行展示。正如博揚·斯拉特(Boyan Slat)在TEDxDelft上所說的那樣,“只有我們能意識到變革比金錢更重要,財富就會降臨”。我們必須通過「再生衛星站」更改我們用以製作的材料。
