

To build thousands of satellites on every continent to reduce excessive products in the market within five years, mainly from fast fashion, and online garment retailers, and mass produced clothing market.

With increased satellites, we can generate a multitude of jobs and entrepreneurial incubator opportunities for creative individuals, skilled workers, and differently challenged individuals, and women owned organizations. Not only a life game changer for participating individuals and communities, but they are simultaneously producing enormous contributions to sustainable development.

#CycSatellites is a process that recreates innovative values to excess inventories with unique redesign techniques; and near-zero water, energy & chemical consumption. We believe that the main problem of the fashion industry is overproduction. Fashion stocks are the majority of operational assets. Therefore, designing and recreating new products from excessive inventories (rather than raw materials) is the best way to reduce water (mainly used in sorting, processing, treatment), energy consumption, and all other unnecessary consumptions.

#CycSatellites aims to redesign bulk products and focuses on point-to-point service and localization. The idea of human-centered satellites will redesign the global fashion Supply Chain. #CycSatellites doesn't need long-distance transportation of raw materials and finished products. It establishes satellite-based upcycling design and production services on each continent. It reduces fashion wastes in that region and helps local communities learn new skills. Thus, the project creates more jobs, reduces inequality, and increases the income level of developing nations.

#CycSatellites is a human-centered, technique-oriented project which results in market expansion, profit increase, and environmental improvements. We bring real impact to reduce water and energy consumptions towards fashion sustainability development, especially during the post-pandemic industry recovery.

Evidence has shown that recycling/downcycling cannot solve the overproduction problem. Therefore, we believe upcycling is the answer and have designed #CycSatellites to reduce overproduction and the associated cost and energy consumption which have a real impact. By redesigning inventory, companies could create additional value, free up their cash flows and lower their environmental impact without increasing production.

Benefits of upcycle design include

(1) Reduce the level of pollution to air, water, and landfills which are mainly the consequence of manufacturing

(2) Reduce marketing cost

(3) Decrease inventory

(4) Generate higher profits

(5) Protect design ideas

(6) Create business opportunities for the fashion businesses and get better support from us.

The overproduced fashion not only consumes a large number of raw materials & energy, but also pollutes water, air, and soil. Moreover, off-season inventories and dead-stocks also occupy up to 30% of typical cash flows and 50% of the storage spaces. The large proportion of fashion waste has been ignored for a long time by mainstream solutions. They turned into bad debt losses, depreciated and unused materials, charity marketing methods, or recyclable raw materials, but no one had ever regarded them as re-designable golden assets. We have designed a set of solutions that can recreate the inventory and turn them into new products that can increase the cash flows and profit with minimum energy consumption with near-zero additional cost-#CycSatellites. It allows companies to invest as little cash assets as possible but still have continuous new products on the market. It is used as a consulting project to help enterprises with production and processing capabilities to build a circular fashion system, or as an outsourcing design & manufacturing service to provide comprehensive solutions for enterprises.

The existing market solutions often focus on down-cycling, which only creates marginal values for the fashion businesses. Seeking new environmental-friendly materials & technologies that are costly can only be adopted for big and cash-abundant multinationals, which is impossible to apply in developing countries like China. Our solution takes an entirely different angle and offers the “redesigning the excess inventory” solution. That requires little cash investment, material, and energy consumption. This method requires many human skills, which cannot replicate with the mass-production type of industrial competitors. It, therefore, has a “re-skilling” benefit to the workers in this industry.

Slow fashion prevents further waste of natural resources. But, it might significantly increase unemployment. Given the needed recovery of Covid-19, we feel the urgency of building up to #CycSatellites#CycSatellites not only diversify the production methods with all possibilities but also distribute job opportunities to all continents. It is a new way of globalization. It creates more jobs for intangible societies, women startup communities in third world countries, and people with disabilities. In addition, it provides people with clean air, water, and food.

#CycSatellites is a specially-designed system that closes the loop of fashion design, making, marketing and distribution. There is no need for material degradation and regeneration, no price reduction and dumping, undesirable charity donation, and other product redistribution. After analyzing and integrating the inventory products according to the sales data of the previous quarters of the cooperative enterprises, upcycling designers directly transform the redesigned inventory products into new products for the coming seasons or the next sales quarter. The water and energy consumption are nearly zero.

Income inequality has led to the segmentation of the consumer market and environmental pollution issues. Traditional perceptions convince us only through non-stop production can economic growth be stimulated. These mainstream solutions mislead market perceptions and make consumers mistakenly blame consumerism. #CycSatellites built to attract more sustainable design developers and up cyclists to join us via benefiting and helping each other and integrating development, so we implement the concept of helping and supporting first, accelerating and dividing the profits after.

The unique concept of #CycSatellites might be the best solution for post-pandemic fashion industry recovery. Due to global lockdown, most global fashion companies have encountered reduced production capacity and operational difficulties. It directly leads to rising unemployment and poverty among vulnerable groups. Our program establishes more job opportunities for low-income women groups in entrepreneurship and employment for disabled people through strategies such as regionalization, fragmentation, technical education, skills upgrading, and inclusive development.

Our solution does not involve the post-processing of raw materials and finished products. There will be near-zero chemicals and water pollution that endangers the health of industrial workers during the processing of a large number of cheap fashion products such as denim products. Not only does the production of raw materials, the production of finished products, and the recycling of excess products inevitably consume a massive amount of energy, including water, electricity, coal, and natural gas, which also brings pollution to air, water, landfill and carbon emissions. Our solution hardly involves the front-end manufacturing industry (except for the limited energy consumption involved in the upcycle processing), and it can significantly reduce the level of pollution by 90%.

Elon Musk brought us the inexhaustible and endless clean energy that shines on us every day. Solar energy does not require mining and secondary processing. SpaceX has also achieved the reuse of carrier rockets. Boyan Slat told us about the possibility of removing plastic debris deposited in the ocean via the Ocean Cleaning project. It is profitable within five years. We also believe that the fashion industry can only disappear from the list of the most polluting industries on the planet when we stop manufacturing new apparel products from raw materials and start upcycling from inventories to reduce secondary processing and turn waste into profits.

Our solution focuses on inclusive production processes, provides affordable products to all income groups, and makes efforts for sustainable development. With outward migration processing and the ultimate desire for profitability while providing job opportunities. The living standards of people with lower incomes have not improved significantly. On the contrary, they have to face more declines in living standards caused by environmental pollution. The best solution to these problems should not be disruptive or supply chain innovation that cannot prevent excess product manufacturing, but more tolerant and innovative thinking as #CycSatellites.

Taoism tells us that goodness is like water. Water is the basic need of human life. If the garment industry does not use or use less water, it can solve most water-related problems. The main reason for plastic polluting almost all water resources in the world is not only because of the excess fashion products but also because of the frequent cleaning process in the daily use of it. The best solution to this problem is still to stop making and reduce the process from treatment. We cannot stop consumerism, but we can provide upcycled products instead.

In a consumer-oriented economic structure, we hope that #CycSatellites can reduce the number of products made with newly-purchased raw materials and bring a dormant period (5-10 years) to the fashion industry to reduce the amount of inventory available in the market. It is also a period of advanced training for industrial workers' technical transformation and upgrading. When the market demand reappears, the relocation of satellites in different geographic locations and the reintegration of processing technology will create more skilled workers to cope with new product manufacturing needs. During the pandemic, many industry giants had to cut off the orders and drop off the season. Either they had converted their apparel and related division to produce PPE products, or they are just simply in financial difficulties. The Covid 19 raised awareness of some industrial professions. Italian design master Giorgio Armani had decided to stop chasing the speed of the fashion industry. House Saint Laurent Paris had decided to show collections when the new idea was available. " Only if we can realize change is more important than money, and money will come", as Boyan Slat once said at TEDxDelft. We must change what we are making via #CycSatellites.

Join us and Win the battle!

If we do not win, fashion will continue to consume a lot of water resources in spinning, weaving, dyeing, and finishing and post-processing procedures. Other water energy solutions will never be able to solve the problem of fashion water pollution. The vast majority of textile and garment manufacturing. The industry will inevitably face the embarrassment of having no water available.

If we do not win, more designers, industrial workers, and sales staff will face the problem of unemployment, and wage income will further decline, which will lead to a decline in purchasing power and affect the shrinking of more industries.

If we don't win, there will be more wastewater waiting for our manufacturing industry, excess commodities will be landfilled and occupy arable land, more fashion waste will be burned to increase carbon emissions and air pollution, and there will be more industries Workers get occupational diseases during processing and manufacturing.

Only if we win through the support of your organization, all these problems can be improved quickly and most significantly.

「再生衛星站」項目通過獨特的再生設計技術以及近乎零的水,能源和化學消耗量,為剩餘庫存重新創造了創新價值。 我們認為,時裝業的主要問題是生產過剩,時裝庫存是經營資產的重要組成部分。 因此,從過量的庫存(而不是原材料)製造和重新生產新產品是減少所有不必要消耗的最佳方法,包括主要用於分類,加工,處理和能源消耗等的水資源的浪費。

「再生衛星站」專注於將再生設計應用於批量生產,並專注於點對點服務和本地化。 以人為本的衛星加工基地的設想將重新設計全球時尚供應鏈。 #CycSatellites不依賴於原材料和製成品的長途運輸,它旨在在每個大陸上建立再生設計並提供服務的衛星基地,以解決該地區的時尚浪費問題,並幫助當地社區獲得了新的技能,因此,該項目創造了更多的就業機會,減少了不平等現象,並增加了發展中國家的收入水平。

「再生衛星站」是一個以人為本,以技術為導向的項目,它將擴展市場,增加利潤和改善環境。 我們為減少時尚產品製造帶來的水和能源消耗帶來了真正的影響,特別是在後疫情時代對時尚產業復甦具有正面影響。

證據表明,再循環(降解回收)不能解決時尚生產過剩的問題。我們認為再生設計是解決時尚產業產品過剩問題的最有效方法,因此我們設計了「再生衛星站」來減少過剩生產以及相關的成本和能耗的問題,這些都將為產業可持續發展帶來正向的影響。 通過對庫存的再生設計,公司可以在不增加產量的情況下創造更多價值,釋放現金流並降低對環境的影響。 升級設計的好處包括






( 6)為時尚企業創造商機並獲得我們更好的技術支持。


現有的市場解決方案都專注於講解和材料方面,這只能為時裝企業創造邊際價值。研發新的環保材料和技術的成本很高,但只有擁有大量現金的大型跨國公司才能採用,而跨國公司無法在中國等發展中國家推廣高成本技術並使之廣泛運用於低價位產品生產中。 我們的解決方案截然不同,並提供“重新設計剩餘庫存”的解決方案,因此幾乎不需要現金投資,材料和能源消耗。 這種方法需要大量的人類技能支持,而大規模工業生產型競爭者無法複製這種技能。 因此,它對該產業的工人“技能升級”帶來獨特的機會。

我們打算建立一個由設計師組成的大型衛星城市網絡,這將使我們擁有先鋒優勢。 我們的解決方案需要大量的人類技能,而大規模生產的工業競爭對手無法複製這些技能。 它為我們的團隊帶來了“重新培訓技能”的機會。 我們主要專注於建立網絡,促進業務交易和培訓設計師.

慢時尚一方面可以減緩自然資源的進一步浪費,另一方面可能會大大增加失業率。 後疫情時代,我們感到有必要建造「再生衛星站」。 它不僅可以多樣化生產方式,而且可以在全球範圍內平均分配工作機會。 這是全球化的一種新模式,除了為人們提供清潔的空氣,水和食物外,它還為少數族裔,第三世界國家的婦女社群創業和殘疾人創造了更多就業機會。

「再生衛星站」的獨特系統設計,可以形成真正的製造業循環經濟閉環,市場營銷和分銷的循環。 無需進行材料降解和再生,無需降低價格和傾銷,不需要講過剩產品用於慈善捐贈和其他產品再分配。 根據合作企業上一季度的銷售數據對庫存產品進行分析和整合後,再生設計師可以將重新設計的庫存產品直接轉換為下個季節或下一個銷售季度的新產品。 生產過程中水能及其他能源的消耗幾乎為零。

收入不平等導致消費市場細分和環境污染問題。 傳統觀念使我們相信,只有通過不間斷的生產,才能刺激經濟增長。 這些主流解決方案誤導了主流思維模式,錯誤地使消費者被貼上了「消費主義」始作俑者的標籤。 「再生衛星站」的建立是通過互惠互利,整合發展來吸引更多可持續發展的設計開發人員和再生設計愛好者加入我們的行列,因此我們首先實施幫助和支持的概念,然後才加速和分配利潤。

「再生衛星站」的獨特概念可能後疫情時代時尚產業復甦的最佳解決方案。 由於全球封鎖,大多數全球時裝公司都遇到了生產能力下降和運營困難的問題。 這直接導致弱勢群體的失業率和貧困率上升。 我們的計劃通過區域化,分散化,技術教育,技能提升和包容性發展等戰略,為低收入婦女群體提供了更多的就業機會,幫助他們從事創業和殘疾人就業的機會。

我們的解決方案不涉及原材料和最終產品的後處理,幾乎零化學物質和水污染不會像在處理大量廉價時尚產品(例如牛仔布產品)那樣危及產業工人的健康。原材料的生產,成品的生產和多餘產品的回收不僅不可避免地消耗大量的能源,包括水,電,煤和天然氣,而且還給空氣,水,垃圾填埋和碳排放帶來污染 。 我們的解決方案幾乎不涉及前端製造行業(除了上游再生加工製作中的有限能耗之外),並且可以將污染水平降低90%。

道德經曰:「上善若水」。 水是人類生命的基本需求。 如果製衣業不使用或使用較少的水,則可以基本解決大多數與水有關的環境問題。 塑料幾乎成為污染世界上所有水資源的主要原因,不僅是因為時尚產品過多,而且還因為其日常使用中經常進行清洗過程。 解決此問題的最佳方法仍然是停止製造並減少後處理。 我們不能停止消費主義,但是我們可以用再生升級產品做替代性解決方案。

伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)向我們證明,取之不盡,用之不竭的清潔能源每天都在照耀著我們,太陽能不需要採礦和二次加工。 SpaceX還實現了運載火箭的再利用。博揚·斯拉特(Boyan Slat)的海洋清理工作告訴我們,海洋中漂浮的塑料碎片可以在5年內被自動清除,並用以獲利。我們同樣相信,只有當我們停止從原材料生產新的服裝產品並開始庫存產品再生設計以減少二次加工並將廢物轉化為利潤時,時裝業才能從世界上污染最嚴重的行業中消失。我們的解決方案著眼於包容時尚產品的多樣性,提供所有收入群體都能承受的產品價格,並努力實現可持續發展。隨著加工產業從發達國家向發展中國家遷移和對終企業終極追逐利潤慾望的延伸,在提供基本工作機會的同時,低收入者的生活水平並未得到很大改善。相反,他們必須麵對更多因環境污染而導致的生活水平下降。解決這些問題的最佳方法不應是破壞性的或無法阻止過度產品製造的供應鏈創新,而應該是像「再生衛星站」這樣更寬容和創新的思維模式。

在以消費者為導向的經濟結構中,我們希望再生設計可以減少使用新購買的原材料製成的產品的數量,並為時裝業帶來一個休眠期(5-10年),以減少時尚市場中的在售庫存總量。這也是產業工人技術改造和升級的培訓期。當市場需求重新出現時,衛星站在不同地理位置的重新定位以及加工技術的整合將創造出更多的熟練工人來應對新產品製造的需求。在瘟疫大流行期間,許多行業巨頭不得不削減訂單並減少開發季節,要么是他們改變了服裝和相關部門的產品以生產PPE產品,要么僅僅是處於財務困境中。 Covid 19的影響改變了人們對時尚產業的認識,意大利設計大師喬治·阿瑪尼(Giorgio Armani)決定停止追趕時尚產業的速度,圣羅蘭巴黎(Saint Laurent Paris)決定在有新想法時才進行展示。正如博揚·斯拉特(Boyan Slat)在TEDxDelft上所說的那樣,“只有我們能意識到變革比金錢更重要,財富才會產生”。我們必須通過「再生衛星站」改變我們用來製作的內容。




