
03|法國設計師,策展人,教育者Patricio Sarmiento Designer & Educator

帕特里休·薩綿多 法籍厄瓜多爾設計師,藝術總監,策展人,教授帕特里休,從一個舞者到時尚設計師,從厄瓜多爾到紐約再到巴黎,從台灣到上海,他的身份不停轉變,設計範圍涉獵表演服裝,高級訂製,成衣,家具產品,交通工具等等。他同時也是可持續發展設計產品的早期倡導者,並與台灣工藝師一起研發了竹自行車,在上海他繼續參與不同型態的竹車製作。他同時也是鐵人三項運動愛好者。帕特里休畢業於Parsons紐約,和IFM巴黎,曾任職於Parsons,Paris school of Art,目前是萊福士設計學院上海校區時尚設計專業和時尚管理專業的系主任。

Patricio Sarmiento Curator / Artistique Director / Designer / Educator
Driven by a desire of dialogue, Mr. Patricio Sarmiento invests himself in projects based on exchange between designers, crafts-artists and public. He defends a creative approach that is conscious of contemporary issues, whether cultural or environmental. This philosophy underlies his career / his vision of work.
Wealth of 15 years of professional experience in the field of design, he has developed several multidisciplinary projects and has worked on textiles, fashion, accessories and product design for international fashion houses. Furthermore, Mr. Sarmiento has a solid experience curating and directing shows and exhibitions in France and abroad (USA, Singapore, Russia, Italy, Taiwan, etc…)
With the aim to promote craft and design, he created Hand in Hand, an association which encourages exchange, confrontation and collaboration between personalities from different cultures. Moreover, since 2010, Mr. Patricio Sarmiento has been working on many intercultural projects between Taiwan and France, creating a dialogue with the remarkable abilities of these diverse cultures.
Because Mr. Patricio Sarmiento knows that exchange and transmission runs through education, he has dedicated 8 years as professor as well as created and directed higher education programs. He has worked for Parsons Paris School of Design, L'École de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne and Paris College of Art.


版權所有 翻版必究©️2019

法籍厄瓜多爾設計師,藝術總監,策展人,教授帕特里休,從一個舞者到時尚設計師,從厄瓜多爾到紐約再到巴黎,從台灣到上海,他的身份不停轉變,設計範圍涉獵表演服裝,高級訂製,成衣,家具產品,交通工具等等。他同時也是可持續發展設計產品的早期倡導者,並與台灣工藝師一起研發了竹自行車,在上海他繼續參與不同型態的竹車製作。他同時也是鐵人三項運動愛好者。帕特里休畢業於Parsons紐約,和IFM巴黎,曾任職於Parsons,Paris school of Art,目前是萊福士設計學院上海校區時尚設計專業和時尚管理專業的系主任。

Patricio Sarmiento Curator / Artistique Director / Designer / Educator
Driven by a desire of dialogue, Mr. Patricio Sarmiento invests himself in projects based on exchange between designers, crafts-artists and public. He defends a creative approach that is conscious of contemporary issues, whether cultural or environmental. This philosophy underlies his career / his vision of work.
Wealth of 15 years of professional experience in the field of design, he has developed several multidisciplinary projects and has worked on textiles, fashion, accessories and product design for international fashion houses. Furthermore, Mr. Sarmiento has a solid experience curating and directing shows and exhibitions in France and abroad (USA, Singapore, Russia, Italy, Taiwan, etc…)
With the aim to promote craft and design, he created Hand in Hand, an association which encourages exchange, confrontation and collaboration between personalities from different cultures. Moreover, since 2010, Mr. Patricio Sarmiento has been working on many intercultural projects between Taiwan and France, creating a dialogue with the remarkable abilities of these diverse cultures.
Because Mr. Patricio Sarmiento knows that exchange and transmission runs through education, he has dedicated 8 years as professor as well as created and directed higher education programs. He has worked for Parsons Paris School of Design, L'École de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne and Paris College of Art.



*From Dancer to Designer|從舞者到設計師


*From Parsons to IFM|紐約到巴黎

參加Mittel Moda,碰到了籌建IFM Cycle Creation(設計系研究生課程)的系主任Francine Pairon,為了去巴黎實現加入高定產業的夢想,帕特里休申請進入了全球排名的第一的法國時尚學院(Institut Français de la Mode, IFM),並成為第一屆設計系研究生。

*Became couturier|成為訂製設計師

為了生存必須找工作而放棄了進入Jean-Paul Gualtier而選擇了Maurizio Galante並進入高級訂製產業。

*Created business|創業

和另一名超有才華的德國設計師一起,創立了自己的品牌,並在全球知名百貨商場取得很好的銷售。兩個設計師思想的衝突導致分道揚鑣後,繼續運用創意設計新產品並打入巴黎Colette和Maria Luisa,日本高島屋。



*Crafts project and Sustainability|手工藝和可持續發展

受邀去台灣並和在地原住民和客家人一起開發可持續發展的竹製設計產品。感受台灣人民的純樸,和對手工藝的熱愛。從事不同產品的設計,開始設計家具和其他日常使用的產品。每年穿梭於MO和台灣共同創作不同產品,並創辦Hand in Hand藝術家駐創項目,環島尋找創作靈感。開始製作竹自行車,並創新竹車設計,和IFM一起策展台灣可持續發展項目的成果並在盧浮宮展出。來到上海參與上海的竹車製作社群。從竹自行車到竹電動車。



*Sport life|鐵人三項


*Coming to China|來到中國

