
WhoWeAre|團隊介紹 (Copy)

Who we are


The Team|核心團隊


LU Min


Joined 10/15/2018

Founder of #CycSatellites She has 12 years of experience in upcycle design. Graduated from IFM, FIT and POLIMODA worked as a designer for Donna Karan, Oscar de la Renta, Geoffery Beene, Givenchy Haute-couture, and Hugo Boss in New York, Paris, and Shanghai. She then established her studio and her brands at Studio P.I. She collaborated with Nike & W+K to design and style for event marketing and produced an upcycled design collection for the project. The project won ADC Hybrid in 2007. Her brand & studio was also nominated as the most influential Chinese designer in 2007 by That’s Shanghai. She had her upcycled collection exhibited at Expo 2010 and Taiwan. She had also invested in a sustainable children’s wear brand. She also lectured at La Salle-DHU, Mod’Art, Detao Master of SIVA, ESSCA, and NYU Shanghai. She is writing a book named “21st Century Chinese Fashion Chronicle”.

她在再生設計方面擁有12年的經驗。畢業於IFM,FIT和POLIMODA,曾在紐約,巴黎和上海的Donna Karan,Oscar de la Renta,Geoffery Beene,Givenchy Haute-couture和Hugo Boss擔任設計師。然後,她建立了自己的品牌Studio P.I.。她與耐克和W+K合作擔任活動營銷設計師,並為其進行再生設計系列。該項目於2007年獲得ADC Hybrid獎。她的品牌和工作室也被That’s Shanghai提名為2007年最具影響力的中國設計師。她在2010年上海世博會和台灣展出了自己的再生設計系列。她曾投資可持續性童裝品牌。還曾在La Salle-DHU,Mod’Art,上海視覺學院的Detao大師班,上海ESSCA和上海紐約大學授課。她目前正在寫一本名為《 21世紀中國時尚紀事》的書。

Nicole WANG


Joined 06/15/2019

One of the youngest investment managers at ING Group specialized in G20 macroeconomic analysis. She also briefly worked as an investment banking analyst at the Royal Bank of Scotland in London. Currently, Nicole is the founder and director of CWP Asia. She is a Level III CFA candidate, and she holds two Master’s degrees from Columbia University in the USA and the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

ING 集團最年輕的投資經理之一,專門從事 G20 宏觀經濟分析。 她還曾在倫敦的蘇格蘭皇家銀行短暫擔任過投資銀行分析師。 目前,Nicole 是 CWP Asia 的創始人和董事。 她是三級CFA候選人,她擁有美國哥倫比亞大學和荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學的兩個碩士學位。



Joined 08/30/2021

Expertise: Organizational Development, Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, Performance Improvement, Curriculum Design, Instructional Design, International Trade, Hospitality Management, Food & Beverage Management, Event Management, Motivation, Facilitating individuals tapping their potential and witnessing them achieve their goals…additionally, doing work that matters

Experience: Executive Consulting, Marketing Development, New Business Development, Entrepreneurship, Interior Design, Menu Development, Branding, Career, Shanghai Foreign Language University, Fudan University, Tongji University, Tencent, Windows F & B Inc. RAE Systems, E.S.L. Consulting, American Hotel & Motel Association China, Crown Plaza, AT&T Broadband (American Telephone and Telegraph), TCI (Turner Communications Inc.), Wyndham Destinations, Radisson, C. Melchers - Ambiente Pacific - China, Bass Ale - Holiday Inn International-Shanghai (top 3 in the world), Okura International Hotels-The Garden Hotel Shanghai (Flagship), Wyndham, C.D.M. Jewels,

Several positions as manager w/in hotel- Front Office Manager, Laundry & Housekeeping Manager, Food & Beverage Manager, Bar Manager, Restaurant Manager, Reservations Manager, Executive Floor Manager, Business Center Manager, Sales Manager, Executive Accounts Manager


經歷:高管諮詢、營銷開發、新業務開發、創業、室內設計、菜單開發、品牌、職業、上海外國語大學、復旦大學、同濟大學、騰訊、Windows F&B Inc. RAE Systems、E.S.L.諮詢、美國酒店及汽車旅館協會中國、皇冠假日酒店、AT&T Broadband(美國電話電報)、TCI(特納通信公司)、Wyndham Destinations、Radisson、C. Melchers - Ambiente Pacific - 中國、Bass Ale - Holiday Inn International-上海(世界前三)、大倉國際酒店-上海花園酒店(旗艦店)、溫德姆、CDM珠寶,

擔任酒店經理的多個職位 - 前台經理、洗衣和客房部經理、食品和飲料經理、酒吧經理、餐廳經理、預訂經理、行政樓層經理、商務中心經理、銷售經理、行政客戶經理