

Starting from 2019, the Education panel of LittleDesign.Solutions will provide all course subjects based on the next generation of design techniques.

We believe that the teaching-tradition of fashion should redesign to prepare students and people that practice fashion for the future.

Throughout our design careers in the Fashion industry, we’ve seen the transformation in the developing nations, from traditional textile development to clothing manufacture. The strong demand for consumerism in emerging countries leads to overproduction in the fashion industry. Digitization, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality developed widely in our industry. The pattern of fashion industry eventually shifted, and it redirected the mindsets of fashion consumers. 3D printing is not the substitution of the traditional textile. Flying knit and PET textile is not the final solution of bio-degradable materials. SAAS & algorithms cannot predict the actual need of the coming season.

On one hand, schools still encourage students to make strong personal statements on designs without considering social responsibility. On the other hand, greenwash and upcycle become trending marketing tools and branding strategies by faking the results or zero cost business.

What can we do? How do we do to teach the next generation of designers and consumers? How do we get everyone gets evolve to a future sustainable lifestyle? These are our goals at

Within years of practice on fashion design and upcycling, we created a series of classes to teach students how to do draping, pattern making, material making, and garment deconstruction reconstruction by remaking from their wardrobes. We believe that almost 40% of pieces from the runway collections can be upcycled by using the garments that we have purchased. And we also believe that by designing and making new items, we would have the possibility to awaken the creativity of fashion design which had long gone from the past decades. We also believe that would eventually rebuild the confidence of human designers and create harmony between humans and AI.

2019年起,立特方典 將改革時尚教育板塊,專注提供適合新世代時尚趨勢的技術型教育課程。


從多年的時尚從業經歷中, 我們見證了發展中國家從紡織業到成衣業的升級轉型;新興市場消費主義導致的從過度消費到過度生產的歷程;數字經濟,人工智能和虛擬現實廣泛進入我們的產業。時尚產業的版圖已經改變並重新構建了消費思維。然而, 新型技術如3D打印還不能夠完全取代傳統紡織材料,再生材料也並非環保降解的終極解決方案。而算法和應用系統也不能準確預估未來需求。


我們能做什麼? 我們要如何引導未來世代的設計師和消費者?如何帶動大家參與可持續發展的生活方式?這是立特方典未來的發展方向。




Jan 28th, 2019




The statement of sustainable design education

Starting from 2019, the Education panel of LittleDesign.Solutions will provide all course subjects based on the next generation of design techniques.

We believe that the teaching-tradition of fashion should redesign to prepare students and people that practice fashion for the future.

Throughout our design careers in the Fashion industry, we’ve seen the transformation in the developing nations, from traditional textile development to clothing manufacture. The strong demand for consumerism in emerging countries leads to overproduction in the fashion industry. Digitization, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality developed widely in our industry. The pattern of fashion industry eventually shifted, and it redirected the mindsets of fashion consumers. 3D printing is not the substitution of the traditional textile. Flying knit and PET textile is not the final solution of bio-degradable materials. SAAS & algorithms cannot predict the actual need of the coming season.

On one hand, schools still encourage students to make strong personal statements on designs without considering social responsibility. On the other hand, greenwash and upcycle become trending marketing tools and branding strategies by faking the results or zero cost business.

What can we do? How do we do to teach the next generation of designers and consumers? How do we get everyone gets evolve to a future sustainable lifestyle? These are our goals at

Within years of practice on fashion design and upcycling, we created a series of classes to teach students how to do draping, pattern making, material making, and garment deconstruction reconstruction by remaking from their wardrobes. We believe that almost 40% of pieces from the runway collections can be upcycled by using the garments that we have purchased. And we also believe that by designing and making new items, we would have the possibility to awaken the creativity of fashion design which had long gone from the past decades. We also believe that would eventually rebuild the confidence of human designers and create harmony between humans and AI.

2019年起,立特方典 將改革時尚教育板塊,專注提供適合新世代時尚趨勢的技術型教育課程。


從多年的時尚從業經歷中, 我們見證了發展中國家從紡織業到成衣業的升級轉型;新興市場消費主義導致的從過度消費到過度生產的歷程;數字經濟,人工智能和虛擬現實廣泛進入我們的產業。時尚產業的版圖已經改變並重新構建了消費思維。然而, 新型技術如3D打印還不能夠完全取代傳統紡織材料,再生材料也並非環保降解的終極解決方案。而算法和應用系統也不能準確預估未來需求。


我們能做什麼? 我們要如何引導未來世代的設計師和消費者?如何帶動大家參與可持續發展的生活方式?這是立特方典未來的發展方向。




Jan 28th, 2019