
SchoolOf|Episode III MarketingConceptOfUpCyclists 可持續發展應用實務第三集

好的設計不一定可以保證成功的市場銷售,再生設計同樣面臨這樣的問題,學校中教授給你的課程也許不能提供給你正確的產品銷售策略,也可能不適合你所在的國家和市場。設計人的優勢是什麼?設計人的盲點是什麼?為什麼教科書交給你的Keyword和別人說得一模一樣?再生設計要怎麼做?How do up cycle designer position the brand or designs? what is the advantage of a start up designer? What is the threshold of ur marketing? #ActNow

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SchoolOf|Episode II DesignConceptOfUpCycling可持續發展應用實務第二集

Designer:Why and how?再生設計師是如何工作的?工作方法,操作模式與其他設計師有什麼區別?再生設計的競爭壓力大不大?為什麼說再生設計可以減少設計師的失業機率?減少污染,循環經濟,降低浪費和可持續發展,為什麼只有再生設計的加入才可以徹底改變時尚產業的樣貌?我們的課程會全部告訴你。 #ActNow

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Min Lu
SchoolOf|Interview questions with

In recent years, education business has much focused on preparing future designers other than learning real techniques, it also has to do with globalization and transforming domestic manufacture base into oversea production bases. Most of the western educations are no longer fit in to the needs of global market. Marketing redirected student mindsets from learning the business to learning how to design. Many design graduate do not know how to design to fit in the local market with business mindsets or developing their business in a very academically way base on the education which they had in where the education had granted.

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設計的意義A meaningful life as designer


Baring the social responsibility, the younger generation designers had succeeded on their entrepreneurships or brand practices under the mission of sustainability design. you can find some examples here. 

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