
Posts in Design

義大利經驗之一 優衣庫的比祖師貝納通 義大利時尚主導的80年代 建築師改行做時尚和產品設計師的潮流是源於資本主義後現代建築飽和後的的再就業選擇 1997年去世的名人黛安娜王妃,聖特蕾莎修女,范思哲。。。 為什麼日本時尚被西方社會接納 下期預告:全球時尚加工產業從中國外移的動向

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1.為什麼永續發展的重點不是材料革新? 2.為什麼共享經濟在時尚界很難成功? 3.為什麼不建議初創企業做服務和平台? 4.創意源於思維方式的轉化,類比和求同是找出問題的關鍵。

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How #CycSatellites Changes fashion system and create new opportunities for future fashion industry

When people ask HOW, they say to themselves impossible already. When people ask WHAT IS THE BENEFITS, they are looking for easy money. When people want to know exactly WHAT IS IT before they hearing the information which we've sent out, they have already lost interest on what they thought they are passionated about it.

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SchoolOf|Interview questions with

In recent years, education business has much focused on preparing future designers other than learning real techniques, it also has to do with globalization and transforming domestic manufacture base into oversea production bases. Most of the western educations are no longer fit in to the needs of global market. Marketing redirected student mindsets from learning the business to learning how to design. Many design graduate do not know how to design to fit in the local market with business mindsets or developing their business in a very academically way base on the education which they had in where the education had granted.

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設計的意義A meaningful life as designer


Baring the social responsibility, the younger generation designers had succeeded on their entrepreneurships or brand practices under the mission of sustainability design. you can find some examples here. 

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