
FashionTime&Me|05資本,產品和客戶哪個對你更重要?|Money, Products&CustomersWhich1IsEssential2UrSustainableSolution?

FashionTime&Me|05資本,產品和客戶哪個對於你的企業更重要?|05Money, Products&CustomersWhichOneIsEssentialToYourSustainableSolution? 為什麼初創企業不能學習靠資本和數字堆砌的平台模式? 為什麼我們說永續發展一旦成為市場營銷手段商業模式就不會再永續發展。

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FashionTime&Me|TheStart 開篇:時尚如何走到了今天即使是設計師也一直在困惑

FashionTime&Me|TheStart 開篇:時尚如何走到了今天即使是設計師也一直在困惑 How do we end up here today? What should we do next? A channel shares experiences with you. 時尚為什麼到了今天這個樣子? 未來我們要怎麼做? 消費主義,可持續發展,手工藝傳承,時尚工業化,時尚污染,解決方案。。。 一個全新的頻道和你分享時間地點和時尚趨勢變化的緣起。。。從過去了解未來。

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Min Lu

 First of all, we do not take inventories and make them into recycled fibers; secondly, we discourage newly design and produced objects from recycled materials, and thirdly, we only work on inventories and dead stocks. Because, we believe that fabric recycle to fiber and transformation into textile and into garment is not one circle of economy but three.  So we only do one thing in one circle as sustainable solution and we believe this circle can minimize the consumption of future making. 

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Min Lu
SchoolOf|Hello,Shenzhen!#CycSatellitesIsComing 「再生衛星站」和小夥伴深圳見!

Might be you are wondering what is the #CycSatellites and didn't get chance to attend our event in Shanghai, but if you are in Shenzhen or if you have chance to be there this month, you will have chance to see some project works from us.可能是您想知道#CycSatellites是什麼,並且沒有機會參加我們在上海舉行的活動,但是如果您在深圳或本月有機會去那裡參加該活動,您將有機會看到一些我們項目工作的展品。#CycSatellites will join "Hello, Design" exhibition at NEEDS space of Tongji University Shenzhen @ Block 16 from Dec 7th, 2019 to Jan 27th, 2020.

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Min Lu

Material innovation is not a guarantee of commercial success. Environmental friendly concept do not result reduction of pollution level. The most sustainable business model is to convert the things around you into wealth with the least cost.材料創新不是商業成功的保證,環保理念不一定帶來環保結果,用最少的成本把身邊的物品轉化成財富才是最可持續的商業模式。

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How #CycSatellites Changes fashion system and create new opportunities for future fashion industry

When people ask HOW, they say to themselves impossible already. When people ask WHAT IS THE BENEFITS, they are looking for easy money. When people want to know exactly WHAT IS IT before they hearing the information which we've sent out, they have already lost interest on what they thought they are passionated about it.

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The biggest lie of sustainable fashion nowadays is to use recycled PET fibers weaving more fabrics then producing more garments as solution to reduce pollution.

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This year we are honor to be the sponsor of Red Ribbon Gala at World AIDS Day. As a tradition all charity event which Studio P.I.(LittleDesignStudio & SchoolOf are all subsidiary brands under Studio P.I.)sponsored, 100% of sales will go to the Fund. We did this as a collaboration work on 2008 for disaster relief from Wenchuan Earthquake and 2010 for ShanghaiPRIDE charity Sales.

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Min Lu
SchoolOf|Episode IX RealCircleOfSustainableFashionBusiness可持續發展設計實務 第九集

If you don’t contain the total QTY of the products which created annually, use sustainable materials to create the same amount of junk is a joke. Might be you didn’t save the planet but harm it more. Many people have doubts, How? Impossible or joke! Well just because we are so used to think only in one direction, it proves that we are being programmed! 人类需要更多的想象力,当我告诉你的时候,你会发现这是一个非常容易的解决方案,大家都能做,前提是你愿不愿意投入。 #ActNow

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Min Lu